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Laurie Sanders, Relationship Counselor

A person's "heart withers if it does not answer another heart." Pearl S. Buck

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Songs of Secure Attachment
Listen to a few love songs that reflect the security we long for in a love relationship:

Have a Little Faith In Me by John Hiatt

How Romantic is That? by Lori McKenna

My Kind of Love by Emeli Sande

Recommended Books
I recommend the following books for personal growth:
   Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations For A Lifetime of Love by Dr. Sue Johnson.  This book is written for couples, to help us examine what we do that leads to feeling disconnected, and guide us to have the conversations that heal old wounds, and lead us to feel securely attached (and thus the trust and love) that happy couples feel. Find on


   Love Sense by Dr. Sue Johnson  This book explains how we are wired to need secure emotional connection with a few loved ones.  The author has worked with thousands of distressed couples as a counselor and has created a counseling approach called Emotionally Focused Therapy.  This book shares numerous research studies that strongly indicate that once we figure out how to create a safe haven in our most important relationships, we experience less anxiety, less depression and less illness, and live more confidently out in the world.  Find on


   The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity by Julia Cameron  This book is a guide to discovering one's creative self. It is a workbook that combines insightful readings with suggested activities, to help one overcome the fears and judgments that hinder one's ability to become the creative self one is meant to be. Find on

   Living Like You Mean It by Ronald J. Frederick, Ph.D. Most of us are sometimes afraid of our emotions, and thus do things to avoid feeling them. This author writes in an easy-to-read style, uses many examples, and helps the reader learn to become aware of and accept all emotions. The best part of this is that each of us can learn to be present in the moment, living fulfilling lives, finding and following our passion.  Find On Amazon



   The Whole-Brain Child by Daniel Siegel, M.D. and Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D.  This book is for parents of children ages 1 month to 12 years.  It is easy to read and to apply to the challenges of parenting.  The authors guide you on how to respond to your children so that they learn and grow both emotionally and intellectually.  There can be many ways children test our patience or simply respond to their emotional upsets in ways we wish they wouldn't.  Now you can learn how to guide your kids to learn how to express their frustrations, hurts or fears in ways that help meet the needs of your kids and create the close bond you strive to have with your kids. Find on


Humor for Health
Read the following to lighten your day:




My office is at:
701 High Street Suite 228
Auburn, CA 95603


Call or Text: (530) 906-0718

Auburn & Colfax Couples Counseling | Marriage Therapy | Individual Counseling | Family Counseling